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Fixing American Health Care: Solutions, Instead Of Rhetoric! (Part 2)

Fixing American Health Care: Solutions, Instead Of Rhetoric! (Part 1)
Fixing American Health Care: Solutions, Instead Of Rhetoric! (Part 2) :
1. Coverage, without pre - existing conditions: Before the Affordable Care Act, those with pre - existing conditions, who, often, need coverage, most of all, could not receive coverage. However, in doing so, healthier people needed to pay slightly more, to subsidize these individuals. Although, President Trump, continues to articulate a message, promising to protect these people, the actions, of the Republicans, in Congress, and his apparent efforts, appeared to contradict his rhetoric. How, to cover these conditions, while controlling costs, must be, a central component of our health care system!

2. Prescription costs: Why are so many, prescription drugs, in the United States, so much more expensive, than the identical pharmaceuticals, elsewhere, in the world? If ever, there is a place, where proactive, governing, is needed, it is, in negotiating, effectively, with these manufacturers, to control this. If, legislators, and politicians, truly, wanted to control this, they would pass a law, where prescription drug prices, had to be priced here, at a competitive level, with the rest of the world.It seems obvious, drug companies, will not, do so, voluntarily!

3. Hospital costs: One of the key factors, which have driven health costs, up, significantly, is the cost, for hospital care. A well - considered plan, focused on an improved, operational model, might have to include, the need for devising a plan, to control the runaway malpractice insurance rates. This has been a political football, because of the power of the American Bar Association, which seems to try to protects its members, by fighting these controls, out of a large degree of personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest!

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