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What to Do for the Gas and Bloating to Go Down? :

What to Do for the Gas and Bloating to Go Down?

Gas and bloating are recognized as part of candida symptoms. Therefore, it is important to discuss this issue, not only because they are part the symptoms but also many women have suffered this issue. One of them is shown here, she is a friend of mine. She has read many books and acquired a lot of information on it throughout the course of these last months. She is on the anti-Candida diet, supplements with several antifungals/vitamins/minerals, and has recently started Nystatin.

Her question is, how long does it take for the gas and bloating to go down? The situation is her worst die-off effect. Most other things have gotten much better, although there are times when she gets extremely tired. She is a bodybuilder and Certified Fitness Trainer (ISSA certified), so this makes it very frustrating.

With this condition, I would like to share someone's experience related to this issue. She also had the same situation like this. She found that her gas and bloating went when she followed the instructions of her naturopath. That is: don't drink water/other fluids with meals. Allow one hour after eating and then drink something if you wish and don't have anything to eat until 30 minutes after having fluids.

Water can interfere with our ability to digest things if taken with meals etc: therefore things are more likely to ferment etc and give us gas, bloating.

She also found that certain foods that were on her OK-to- eat list gave her horrible gas. It became easy to detect which foods caused this when she followed the no water with meals rule.

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